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The advantages of stainless steel air shower

The advantages of stainless steel air shower

Latest company news about The advantages of stainless steel air shower

The advantages of stainless steel air shower

Our stainless steel air shower is a self-contained air re-circulation system designed for installation at the entrance to a clean room. These phone booth-like clean room entry systems utilize high-velocity air to purify personnel, equipment and materials entering the clean room.


When workers enter the air shower, the entrance door closes and a powerful airflow through the filter is blown towards the workers from multiple adjustable and precisely placed nozzles. These high-velocity airflows blow contaminants large and small from workers' clean room clothing. After the cycle is complete, the exit door opens and workers continue into the clean room.


Stainless steel air showers combine high-quality all-metal construction with high performance, custom options and versatile configurations. Excellent design advantages make these clean room air showers easy to install and maintain. Our stainless steel air showers provide maximum efficiency and value for your clean room or other controlled environment.


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The advantages of stainless steel air shower
Latest company news about The advantages of stainless steel air shower

The advantages of stainless steel air shower

Our stainless steel air shower is a self-contained air re-circulation system designed for installation at the entrance to a clean room. These phone booth-like clean room entry systems utilize high-velocity air to purify personnel, equipment and materials entering the clean room.


When workers enter the air shower, the entrance door closes and a powerful airflow through the filter is blown towards the workers from multiple adjustable and precisely placed nozzles. These high-velocity airflows blow contaminants large and small from workers' clean room clothing. After the cycle is complete, the exit door opens and workers continue into the clean room.


Stainless steel air showers combine high-quality all-metal construction with high performance, custom options and versatile configurations. Excellent design advantages make these clean room air showers easy to install and maintain. Our stainless steel air showers provide maximum efficiency and value for your clean room or other controlled environment.


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